Anti-Obesity Campaign looks doomed!

July 9, 2010 at 1:08 pm | Posted in fitness, nutrition | Leave a comment
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Whether we want to acknowledge it or not Obesity in the UK is a major problem. We used to feel a bit better about ourselves because in the USA it was a bigger problem but a study I read last week showed that childhood obesity in the UK has now surpassed our friends across the pond.

Everyone has their own opinion on who is to “blame” for this and whilst some may say it’s the individuals fault for overindulging in unhealthy foods and not taking enough exercise I personally hang a lot of the blame on the food manufacturers. Their advertising campaigns are often misleading, their diet and low fat products are often more damaging to our health than the original version and some even try to convince us that having two bowls of a sugary, starchy cereal a day with one normal meal is a healthy way to eat. It really isn’t as straight forward as how many or few calories they contain!

The picture on the right I snapped in my local Toy shop whilst shopping for my 2 year olds Birthday present. It’s funny how there is often a lot of fuss in themedia about kids playing with toy guns and army toys and yet it seems acceptable to play at working or eating at a fast food drive through!

So when this week it was reported that the Government was handing over the funding for its public health programme aimed at curbing obesity to the food firms it left me tearing my hair out.

If ever there was a conflict of interests surely this is it?

How can companies like Mars, Coca Cola and Cadbury really have the health of the nation at heart? Did Mars not have the catch phrase “A Mars a day helps you work rest and play”

I’m not alone however on my views on this Betty McBride of the British Heart Foundation said “Parents and children continue to be faced with bewildering kaleidoscope of confusing food labels and pre watershed junk food adverts”.

To add insult to injury though we are supposed to be getting our kids and adults more active have a look at the major sponsors of big Sporting events like The World Cup and The Olympics, you guessed it Mcdonalds, Coca Cola etc. Even top sports people have sold themselves out to appear in TV adverts for some of the big sugary food brands.

I personally feel this is a VERY backward step and it really is a case of watch this space or perhaps “watch this waist”.

There is a multitude of advice and guidance out there and my theory on this is look at who has what to gain from giving it. I have nothing to gain but getting my clients better results by telling them what I do about nutrition. Certain food brands in my opinion deliberately mislead you with clever marketing and package branding just to sell more of their product.

Finally I recently held a FREE nutritional talk called “The Truth about Fat Loss” in which I exposed a lot of the “diet” products and food manufacturers misrepresentations and will be holding another one shortly in aid of Selby Times chosen charity. To register your interest in attending please email or contact me on the number below.

The S.T.A.G experiment

June 14, 2010 at 11:31 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Well apparently there is some kind of sporting event going on at the moment that means that Supermarkets will sell loads of beer and every English man turns into Jamie Oliver the minute you put a Barbeque in front of him.

But as exciting as that is I have been conducting my own special experiment.

Firstly to set the scene, as a Personal Trainer and someone brave enough to call themselves a Fat Loss Expert I find a trip to the supermarket often ends up in my trolley being scrutinised by other shoppers. They circle like vultures hoping to catch a glimpse of a “weight watchers” yoghurt or some chocolate hob knobs tucked in my trolley under the Spinach and Avocados!

I have changed my own nutritional habbits a lot lately and very rarely drink alcohol so when I was invited to go away to Ibiza on an old school friends Stag week I had a dilemma…..

Do I try and be good? Do I drink clean alkali water, hunt out a restaurant that serves real food?


Do I think “Lets Party Like a Rock Star!” ?

Well as myself and some of the other sensible Dad’s were only doing 3 nights on the White Island, I though lets do this, how much damage can it do? So I decide to monitor it.

Check out the Chins, the last night of 3 days boozing!

So this is the S.T.A.G experiment whch is short for “Scientific Testing on Alcohol Guzzling”

Im going to spare you the details of quite what went on in Ibiza but its safe to say that there was plenty of San Miguel polished off and that the locals clearly think that in England we just eat chips and beans, beans and chips, chips and chips and if we are feeling flash egg, chips and beans!

So I had 3 days of poor nutrition and excess alcohol, I felt tire lethargic and bloated, could see the double chin growing before my eyes (see pic) but I was still gob smacked to get back on the scales on Thursday night to find I had gained a whopping 9lbs.

Was it Fat? Do you know how many calories in theory it takes to add 9lbs of fat?

By my calculations 31,500 excess calories – thats 10,500 excess calories for every day I was there, I certainly didn’t eat that much!

Ironically I had forwarded an email from Paul Mort my Business Mentor and the UK’s Leading Fat Loss Expert to all my Clients just days before going. (excert below)

1. Booze is a toxin. In order to reduce the circulation of toxins in the body, they’re sent to the fat store oh and those toxins can make your skin look crap too

2. Booze is a liquid sugar that causes HUGE insulin spikes. Excess insulin is stored as fat around the love handles usually. Poor insulin management can lead to diabetes and polycystic ovaries.

3. Your body literally CAN NOT burn fat for up to 3 days after you have a ‘lash up’

4. Testosterone (mega important for fat loss) is also decreased significantly after only a couple of drinks

5. Those man boobs that are become so ‘popular’ in the UK these days. The hops in larger is VERY closely linked to this phenomenon we like to call bitch tits.

6. You probably know this but booze causes CHRONIC dehydration. if you’re even SLIGHTLY dehydrated your body will refuse to give up any fat at all.

7. What do you usually eat the day after you’ve been on a bit of a bender? Yup, if you’re anything like me, absolute junk food.

Thanks Paul!

So there you have it, 9lbs of excess toxic water and extra lard from a 3 day bender in Ibiza.

Why am I telling you this?

Well one reason is to prove that as trainers we are human, I probably know more trainers that struggle with their weight than trainers that can eat what they want and stay lean.

But my main reason is that I know some of the guys I was away with do that every weekend and if they are doing it you could be!

So if you are trying to get lean for Summer Holidays or for a Wedding or whatever your reasons a good place to start will be by ditching the booze.

Watch this space for details of how long it takes me to get back to pre STAG experiment weight!



Mark Tipping

Fat Loss and Fitness Expert

Whatever you do DON’T DIET!

April 15, 2010 at 6:27 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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Personal Training SelbyI’ve got to be honest.. I have been lazy!

I didn’t even pick up a dicionary to look this up but I was curious to see what the Definition of “diet” was.

And so I googled it and this was the first answer I saw – “a special or limited selection of food and drink”

So why did I do this?

To be honest I have one of those days, lots of questions about the “Diet Plan” that I provide my Boot Campers and One to One clients. “Why can’t we eat this?” …….

“but Pasta is a health food”

“Surely theres nothing wrong with Weetabix?”

The list went on and whilst I usually embrace lots of nutritional questions it all seemed very negative today which made me think about what my Campers were focusing on.

You see I reckon that I ask them to include more new foods than I ask them to eliminate old ones!

They never say “Why are you asking me to eat spinach?”

But its not their fault………

Cereal manufacturers have great marketing people – they can make you believe that products such as Weetabix, Shreded Wheat and Special K are “Health Foods” my thoughts on these foods would take up a whole blog post but its safe to say in a BIG WAY that they are not and certainly will not help people get lean and lose belly fat.

The diet clubs make you think that you can only eat orange food 1 day a week and that if you have 7 sins on friday that equals 4 points on a monday…. you get the picture!

Anyway before I drift further off on a tangent I want to say one thing “Don’t diet” if you announce that you are on a diet, tell all your friends and family you WILL convince yourself that you are missing out on something.

So lets flip this around…..

If you have a petrol car you wouldn’t put diesel in it would you? I hope not!

Why because its the wrong fuel.

If you had a formula 1 car you wouldn’t run it on Tesco unleaded would you?

No, because you are looking for optimal performance.

So lets ditch this diet idea and start calling it nutrition.

A quick trip to google and we have a definition for nutrition…..

“The process of nourishing or being nourished, especially the process by which a living organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and for replacement of tissues.”

We all want to feel good right?

Of course we do, and being nourished having healthy blood and healthy cells will help us feel good, avoid illness and if youre exercising provide better results.

In fact I would go as far as to say that if your nutrition is perfect potentially you will never get ill!

So don’t diet but fuel your body with the healthiest most nourishing food but don’t fall for the media hype, good clean nourishing foods don’t come out of boxes or shiney packets.

The fat loss will follow as a welcome side effect!

For more info on Personal Training or Boot Camps visit


5 a day and Cancer

April 7, 2010 at 8:13 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment
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Well unless you have been locked away today you will no doubt have seen on the TV, read in the paper or heard on the radio the sensational news that eating your 5 portions of fruit and veg per day does very little to reduce your risk of developing cancer. You can’t argue with research can you?

Well I will have a go!

Firstly a bit of background on the study….

This study drew on data from a very large cohort study called the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). The EPIC study was conducted between 1992 and 2000 and recruited 521,448 men and women aged between 25 and 70 from across the UK and the rest of Europe.

So firstly let me just say that what I am going to say is simply my opinion based on what I know from my own nutritional research there are many Personal Trainers and nutritionists out there who could put up a stronger case than me but this is my take on it. (hopefully some may comment on this post!)

I think there are lots of holes in this latest research but want to just cover a few points of my own.

At present there is a huge debate rumbling through the Fitness and nutrition world and to be honest it has caused a few divides.

It’s the acid v alkaline debate.

Without going into too much depth here the underlying theory is that disease cannot live in an alkaline environment, it was explained to me as “like trying to sew grass seed on astroturf”. 

Blood transports all nutrients/oxygen etc and that the more acid in the blood the slower that transportation is and that disease thrives in an acidic environment.

An alkaline diet is generally viewed as a diet with reduced animal protein and increased green vegetables (chlorophyl rich) though there is much more tp it than this.

Surely the above would suggest that cancer couldn’t survive in a an alkaline body of which we have highlighted vegetables contribute positively?

So back to the study – they found that eating an extra 200g of fruit and vegetables each day, equivalent to two servings, reduced the incidence of cancer by about 4 per cent. This finding would suggest that the protective effect of fruit and vegetables against cancer is very limited though it is still proven to be great to help avoid heart disease.

This 4% figure represents a dramatic reversal from 20 years ago, when as high as 50 per cent potential reductions in cancer risk were suggested. The World Health Organisation in 1990 recommended five servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

I don’t want to pull the study apart despite some clear flaws I have read in the testing modalities but there are 2 key questions I want to flag up.

1. How were the vegetables prepared?

You probably allready know that Microwaves destroy food and that boiling also reduces the goodness so unless the veg was steamed the nutrient benefits were potentially reduced.

2. Where were the veggies from?

Gone are the days of “seasonal veg” supermarkets seem to import veg and fruit from all over the globe so its available all year round and it has been suggested to me that to gain the 5 a day benefit we should realisticly seek to include 10 portions a day due to goodness lost in transportation methods.

So after giving you those few extra facts I’m leaving this one to you to decide on but my opinion is that 5 a day should be the MINIMUM portions of fruit and veg to aim for.

If you want to read more about the alkaline diet pop over to where leading nutritionist and conditioner Phil Richards has great material available (he’s speaking at an event Im at in 3 weeks time!!) and if you want to read the full study details have a loot at it here

Lets play Fitness Family Fortunes!

March 24, 2010 at 10:52 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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I’m guessing that most of you will know what the TV show Family Fortunes is?

Basically its a word association game where a series of questions are asked to 100 members of  the public such as “name something you associate with going on Holiday” and two team have to guess what the most popular answers were scoring points for the higher percentage that answer had.

So I’m going to start todays blog post with a little game of Family Fortunes……. (stay with me)

So don’t think about this too long just scribble down the first word you associate with:-

1. Birthday

2. Christmas

3. Party

4. Celebratory

5. Easter

So how did you get on?

Well before you think I have lost the plot let me explain the purpose of this little exercise!

I did this test with an exercise class of mine in a quick fire format during a cool down and the most popular answers were:-

1. Birthday – Cake

2. Christmas – Dinner (followed closely by Cake)

3. Party – Food

4. Celebratory – Dinner

5. Easter – Egg

This was far from a scientific test but I would say there’s a fair chance that several of you will have answered along similar lines.

What do they all have in common? FOOD!

It’s weird really every celebration we have everything something goes well we celebrate it by indulging in Food and drink and lets be honest it’s very rare that anyone decides to have a Celebratory Avocado salad!

The one thing that seems to be a barrier to fat loss for my Boot Campers and Personal Training clients alike is “socializing” !

Now I’m not saying that you have to crawl under a rock, lock yourself away and never come out until you hit your goal weight BUT by being conscious of the social situations you put yourself in can make a MASSIVE difference to your results.

I forget which Personal Trainers website I read it on but he talked about crabs! His definition of a crab was someone who is trying to hold you back, trying to pull you back down and stop you achieving. Why? Probably because the said “crab” hasn’t got the will power to achieve themselves. 

Your mate down the pub who is constantly egging you on to leave the car and stay out boozing all night is usually the guy with man boobs, your friend who asks you to come round crack open a bottle of wine and dive into the Ferrero Roche every Friday is usually the same person who is crying into her Special K on a Saturday morning about the hangover and fact she can’t fit into that nice dress she has seen in Monsoon.

If you WANT to ACHIEVE you can ACHIEVE but he first step is to sort out your support network, be it family or friends.

Rant over 😉

Look out for my post next week about “Weight Loss at all costs”

P.S If you are in the York, Selby and Howden areas don’t forget to pop over to to see what we have happening in your area!


Mark Tipping is the only Personal Trainer in Selby, York and Howden that GUARANTEES you results or your money back. With a Private Studio in Riccall for one to one training and a string of successful Boot Camps for semi private training he doesn’t PROMISE results he GUARANTEES them.

Are you an action taker or an excuse maker?

February 10, 2010 at 1:45 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

It seems to me that there are two types of people when it comes to achieving fitness and fat loss goals.

There are Action takers and excuse makers, which are you?

To give you an example, one of my personal training clients, Sarah who you may have seen on my promotional material is an “Action Taker”.

When I met Sarah she had a lower back problem and had been seeing the chiropractor, she commutes every day from Cawood to Bradford (about an hours trip each way) works long hours and has a stressful job, it would be easy for her to be an “excuse maker” but no she decided that she wanted to achieve and has now lost 3 stone since she started training with me through dedication, hard work and of course my excellent training systems 😉 .

My second example…..

Jan, another of my clients had a thyroid problem and has spent the last 2 months semi mobile after having a knee operation, it would be easy for her to become an “Excuse maker” and decide to “start again” after her knee has healed but with no persuasion from me within a week of surgery she was back training (at a sensible level). Jan is also in my high achievers group and has lost over 3 stone since starting to train with me.

My last example (though I could list lots more) is Vicky.

Vicky had major back surgery but despite that has attended every boot camp I have run at North Duffield. She was understandably cautious about her back but she didnt sit around feeling sorry for herself and become an “excuse maker” she has achieved a massive inch loss from all over her body and dropped 2 clothes sizes and her fitness levels have gone through the roof and even helped reduce the symptoms of her asthma.

It’s no coincidence that Sarah, Jan and Vicky have achieved great things by being “Action takers”.

On the other hand every week I field call after call from “Excuse Makers” and let me tell you there are lots about.

Just today I had a phone call that went like this……..

Caller: Hi , I saw your advert in the Selby Direct about Boot Camp, it sounds really good and do you really guarantee I will drop a clothes size in a month? Where is it and what time does it start?

Me: Yes I guarantee if you follow my nutrition system and attend all sessions you WILL drop a clothes size by the end of Camp. Sessions are 6.30am-7.15am 3 times per week.

Caller: OOOOhhh 6.30am!!!!!! I can’t get out of bed that early!

The conversation did continue, I reminded her about the benefits ….. but not for long!

Ok, some people aren’t great in the morning but I had just guaranteed she would drop a clothes size or I would give her 100% of her money back and yet she still found an excuse not to do it!

Unfortunately these kind of people will NEVER achieve what they want unless they switch from “excuse maker” to “action taker”.

You see some people ALWAYS have an excuse, “I will do it when I get more time, I will start next month, Ive got a minor injury so can’t do it, its too far away” you get the picture.

So what is the point to my ramblings today?

Well firstly to all those “Action takers” out there give yourselves a big pat on the back, you have taken control of your goals and will have either achieved or be well on your way to achieving everything you want.

And the “Excuse makers”……

It’s not too late! You can achieve ANYTHING you want but you need to take action, not next month, not next week but NOW! Make a commitment, I guarantee you won’t regret it.

Make that decision NOW!


Mark Tipping is Selby and Goole’s leading Personal Trainer, the only trainer in the area to offer a Money back guaranteed service, specialising in Fat Loss and health improvement training.

Visit for more info on how to work with Mark or his team.

Double the results in half the time?

February 5, 2010 at 11:57 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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It’s funny how when it comes to getting it, losing weight, toning up we all like to boast how long we have spent running or how long we spent at the gym bragging about the results we will get from our 1 and a half hour workout. A friend of mine was bragging on Facebook about his 1000 calorie 1.5 hour workout, needless to say he got a sarcastic comment on it from me! (sorry Neil)

Because of course the longer we spend training the better results, right?

Well, no I disagree!

Over the years I have spent a lot of time in gyms and in a training environment, it’s hard not to notice some of the weird and wonderful things that go in them from unnecessary weight lifting belts, awful technique behind the neck lat pull downs to people in a corner doing a workout consisting of 1000’s of crunches in an ab cradle the list goes on but do you ever actually stop to look at the volume and intensity of training that YOU do when you exercise?

Let me elaborate…..

Mr or Mrs X goes training they have been told that resistance training is good for them as it builds lean muscle and helps boost their metabolism therefore burning fat , quite true no problems so far but and as always with me there is a but – break it down like this for example:-

Workout Autopsy (not including warm up)

Say they are doing an all over body workout consisting of 9 different exercises and lifting in a 2:2 tempo (2 seconds lifting the weight and 2 seconds controlling it down) that’s 4 seconds per repetition if they are working for muscle tone/definition they may be completing 15 repetitions so that’s 60 seconds work per exercise (stay with me here I’m going somewhere with this) 3 sets of this = 3 minutes per exercise multiplied by the 9 exercises = 27 minutes of actual exercise time and yet because they take at least 1 minute rest and recovery between sets you can bet your bottom dollar that the workout will still take an hour + not including showering , changing etc.

Now let me just mention that Strength and Hypertrophy training (muscle building) don’t fall into this category and I covered steady state cardio in a previous blog post at but the workout mentioned above can be massively condensed down by working opposing muscle groups back to back, not only will you reduce your training time by reducing your rest time but ultimately your workout intensity will remain higher and therefore aid metabolism elevation.

My boot camp and TRX suspension training sessions last 45 and 30 minutes respectively and I doubt very much that any client feels “short changed”  when they leave plus the physiological benefits of this style of training (my M.E.R.I.T system – Metabolic Elevation Resistance Interval Training) can literally deliver twice the results in half the time.

So why am I telling you this?

I read a newspaper article recently that said the top 2 reasons people blame obesity on is 1. Lack of time and 2. Lack of finance and I will cover the later in a separate post. Rubbish in my opinion!

So if I told you that I have just had 2 clients drop over a stone in 4 weeks from 2 x 45 minute sessions per week (before work) without starving themselves for the price of £2.20 per day you would be interested right? Of course who wouldn’t?!

Well they achieved this at our Boot Camps which now run at Riccall, North Duffield, Brayton, Strensall and Haxby pop over to but be quick Camp places are limited.

Alternatively if the times don’t suit we will be launching a series of small group 2-3 people to an instructor TRX and Tabata sessions at our new Riccall Fitness studio that opens in March and of course if you prefer one to one training we have limited availability for Personal Training using our tried and tested methods that saw another group of clients join the “Achievers Club” that lost in excess of 3 stone last year.

There is no B.S with us (can I say that in a blog post?) if you follow our system you will melt body fat and be fitter than you have ever been, if you are happy with where you are at and don’t mind feeling tired and unfit despite not liking what you see in the mirror then carry on as you are…..

As Paul Mort a Personal Trainer friend of mine always says “you have 2 choices RESULTS or EXCUSES

As always fire any queries back at me!



Mark Tipping Dip PT MSMA

Advanced Level 3 Personal Trainer

VTCT Level 3 Sports Therapist

Level 4 Exercise for Lower Back Pain Management

Body-Fix Health & Fitness

Tel: 01757 291933

Mob: 07515 865016

All Calories were not created equal!

January 28, 2010 at 1:38 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

A fair few years ago now when I completed my first nutritional qualification I left it feeling pretty happy that I understood all about how weight loss worked, I knew about Carbs, proteins, fat, vitamins and minerals and the “balance of good health”.

It seemed simple, expend more calories than you consume and you will lose weight. Right?

Errrr……. wrong!

Let’s have a closer look at this….

One thing that always troubled me was how could 100 calories of Tuna and 100 calories of Chocolate Muffin be the same in the weight loss equation? It sounds obvious that they wouldn’t be!

Fast forward 7 years and I spent several nights in January shouting at the TV whilst a Channel 4 program put a group of women on a 1200 calorie per day diet in an attempt to drop a dress size in 2 weeks. They even set up a shop splitting the portion sizes down into 100 calorie chunks, it highlighted this perception error again when you watched some of the women opt for a small chunk of chocolate over some folic acid providing vegetables – that couldn’t be right could it?

Of course not!

So moving on to another of my pet hates…. slimming clubs. Whilst not claiming to be an expert in how they work and never having attended one I would imagine that their points systems have been devised using some form of calorific equation, whilst I have seen the success stories and don’t doubt it works for some people I have worked with several Personal Training clients that have gone down this route only to put the original weight and more back on twice as fast as they lost it.

Effective fat loss is much more complicated than that. You see over the last few years I have been doing heaps of extra reading, looking over research papers, attending seminars and listening to theories from other Personal Trainers.

To find the answer to this it seems that we should look towards our hormones.

Lets start with insulin. Insulin is a storage hormone, too much and we will store sugar as body fat. So if your diet consists of a series of high sugar intakes across the day you will be continually raising insulin levels making you far more likely to store fat. Makes sense huh?

Ok so moving on to testosterone, this is the word that strikes fear into my female clients, they think that they will end up with a jaw like mine and grow a beard! Not going to happen, men have 10 times the testosterone levels of women.

Not only is testosterone important for our sex  drive it’s also vital for fat loss. Testosterone will help us keep our muscles  strong and as  muscle tissue burns calories (our metabolism) it’s important to ensure our muscles keep actively burning calories all day long. Also guys if you struggle with the dreaded “moobs” testosterone can help combat them. And ladies to shift that butt and thigh fat guess what you need…. yep it’s usually testosterone.

Going on a low fat diet can actually lead to a drop in testosterone, we need some fat in our daily diet!

So moving on to Cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone, it breaks down muscle and uses it for energy.

Interestingly despite the old myth that you lose weight when you are stressed, Cortisol levels directly relate to stomach fat storage. The higher your cortisol levels the more stomach fat you will store.

I have just finished reading a great book called “The Cortisol Connection” which confirmed some of my beliefs.

Too much aerobic exercise has been proven to raise cortisol levels significantly, when I first started out and worked in gyms I often wondered how come some of the people that came in day in day out could hammer away on the treadmill claiming to have “melted 1000 calories” never got any slimmer after weeks and months of training, now we know!

And finally, last but certainly not least Estrogen.

The source of lots of our ‘stubborn’ fat is the female hormone estrogen.
We all make estrogen, even men can create it but it’s what happens to it once it’s been produced that matters.

Whilst the liver tries to detoxify estrogen to eliminate it from the body it sends it via the bloodstream to the local fat stores – in the case of females, this is in the lower body and for you guys it tends to be the chest (moobs).

Why do women suffer more?
Basically females, as well as producing there own estrogen also have a greater number of so called alpha-2 receptors in there lower bodies than men do (men’s ‘stubborn’ area tends to be lower abdominals)

Alpha-2 receptors basically block or inhibit fat from being taken from the fat cell and being used as energy- hence the ‘stubborn fat’ phenomenon.

To combat this both sexes need to increase testosterone production and detoxify estrogen levels, this can be done nutritionally.

So in summary – don’t fall into the calorie trap!

Mark Tipping is an Advanced Personal Trainer specialising in Exercise and Nutrition for safe and effective fat loss. He is one of the few trainers in North Yorkshire that can boast a money back guarantee on his services and regularly features in the Selby Times. For more information visit

Want to be healthier, store less fat and enhance your mood?

January 16, 2010 at 9:32 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Hi Everyone

I wanted to get straight to the point today…. the Fitness and weight loss industry is riddled with crap information!

January is a really frustrating time for me, TV is littered with diet programs with calorie restricted diets, Cereal brands claiming that their cereal is a health food and that its safe to only eat that for 2 meals (you know the one!) and the internet is strewn with pills and potions that will let you lose the famous Peter Kay quote “15 stone in a day!”.

So if I told you about something that could help you reduce fat storage, improve mood , help with asthma, eczema, arthritis and help with heart disease it would be to good to be true …right?


So what is this wonder supplement…. Omega 3s!

Or to be more precise Omega 3 fish oils.

Research has shown that in many different areas increasing our consumption of Omega 3 fish oils can provide massive health benefits.

The main reason for this is 2 Omega 3 Fatty Acids called EPA and DHA. Unfortunately our bodies can only make these in very small amounts so we have to get most of our requirements from our diet.

However the only major dietary source of EPA and DHA in our diet is from oily fish such as sardines and mackerel,  government stats have allready shown that only 25% of us EVER eat oily fish let alone enough to meet our daily requirements.

EPA & DHA for Fat loss

Good quality Omeg 3 fish oil may turn off the lipogenic genes (fat storage genes) and turn on the lipolytic genes (Fat utilization genes) it can also reduce carb cravings and decrease alcohol cravings.


Fish oil in sufficient doses is a great natural anti-inflammatory and therefore great for sufferers of rheumatoid and osteo arthritis.

Asthma and Eczema

As both Asthma and Eczema are allergic diseases that prompt an inflammatory reaction Omega 3s anti-inflammatory properties become relevant again. A study in 1997 showed measurable improvement in asthama symptoms in 40% of the test group after just 4 weeks.

Mood and behaviour

There is substantial evidence that EPA and DHA play a major role in the regulation of mood and mental alertness. These fatty acids are major components of the brains structural integrity and neural tissues.

One concern that clients often raise with me is the danger of fish oils containing toxins. In most good quality fish oils the pollutants have been filtered out and they are therefore often less contaminated than the original fish.

The fish oils I reccomend ar available from the actual oil is more cost effective but the capsule more convenient. When it comes to fish oils don’t go for the cheap high street version, you get what you pay for. Be sure to mention my name if you place an order with them.

Any queries as always drop me a line!

Mark Tipping Dip PT

Where did our diet go wrong?

January 2, 2010 at 2:10 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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Those of you that have worked with me closely will know that I am a big fan of the hunter gatherer diet, basically eating what our ancestors did (no Burger King back then!).

It was only 500 generations ago that the Agricultural revolution saw us introduce cereals to our diet, dairy products, refined sugars and high salt foods.

Before that we lived on Lean protein, Fresh Fish, Seafood, Fruit and vegetables and you know what? Paleontoligists have proven that we were actually pretty healthy.

Yes – your chances of being eaten by a dinosaur were much higher but our prehistoric ancestors had fairly healthy lean bodies.

Many nutritionists hold the agricultural revolution responsible for the current obesity crisis as we know it now.

I’m not having a pop at the farmers here, they were just looking for better ways to feed their families as population was rising and food resources dwindling.

Archaeological research has even proven that wherever grains formed a dominant part of the diet, health problems always followed. Studies of their bones and teeth showed they had shorter life spans and more infectious diseases, more osteoporosis and rickets than those of the same era on a more protein based diet.

So whilst I’m not trying to provide a history lesson here what I am challenging you to think about is:-

1. Who decided that sugar and starch (cereal) covered in Milk was a good start to the day?
2. Why would you eat Bacon and eggs for breakfast but most people laugh when I suggest steak or chicken for brekky?

Many of the nutritional plans I use with clients eliminate for a short period of time, Wheat, Cereals,dairy, processed foods and alcohol and the responses I get are always positive, with reports of increased energy, imporved digestive system and weight loss of up to 10lbs in just 2 weeks.

Nutrition is a topic riddled with contradictions but I believe strongly that it’s not a coincidence that so many people are Wheat and Dairy intolerant. Although extrenally we have evolvled significantly since our prehistoric days (some more than others!) our internal organs haven’t moved on as far.

For a full nutritional consultation with me visit

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